Whoop Whoop. It's February 21st. The first day I hit publish on this web space of mine. I can remember writing that Post and wondering if it would be enough and if I'd be able to pull this blogging stuff off. I think I was too nervous the day I published it because not only can I not remember where I was on that day, I didn't even bother noting the date till I saw a blogger celebrating her Blogiversary and I went "Omg, I didn't note the date" like the blogger app wouldn't put in the date. Lol I can't believe it's been up to a year. Like, I had to check again. It was so overwhelming that I had to take the whole of last week off. I didn't do anything blogging related. One of the very first posts I wrote was on how I got the idea to blog and even though I haven't published it till this day, I go over it and I realize everything can be summarised into one word : Epiphany. My story isn't the one where I've always wanted loved wri...