As I begin to type this on my phone's notepad, I'm not sure what direction this post would be taking but I know I want to briefly document about how my year went and maybe, hopes for the new year. I'm doing this majorly because it would serve as a reference and reminder for me in times to come. These pictures because I feel the need to put them everywhere for posterity. 2018 was that year. I feels like I legit lived through 5 other years in this year. I don't remember having any specific intentions/resolutions at the start of this year. Actually, I think I simply viewed it as just another day. Of course, I had new things I wanted to try out and I did start with them but other than those, nothing much. And because I was tired of just going over some unpleasant experiences I had this year, I decided to write about them and I found that while writing them, it became easier to actually count blessings and make intentional choices that would let me have a better ne...